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is full version still coming?


Hey again Robert, I do not know if you can remember me but I did a gameplay walkthrough reivew for your game. And right now, I wanted to tell you that your game was chose to be THE BEST (1st place) for this past month of November. 

I hope this leads to some good traffic towards you. All the best for making more games!


Awesome game. Level 7 in the tutorial made me think a lot but beating that is much satisfying, wow. With every level, the game draws me in more and more.


Hi there Robert,

I got your email and here is my gameplay review and some words that I already emaild you with it! (Just posting this here to help with the game page boost)

I just read your Quick mode update which includes what I wanted to talk about, regarding time based scores and retry or restart scoring system as well. With that being said, It did take me a long time to record this and that is due to the fact I was aiming for a perfect score with all the diamonds available, it is really challenging!

The game is so good! Puzzles are well made especially knowing that they are handcrafted! 

I loved all the sound effects, those with the slimes too (I pay close attention to sound designs)

The idea of skins and changing colours is so cool, my little brother adored it.

I had a lot of fun and did not face any problems! The video here is for sure a gameplay review (like the ones I do), but it can also be considered as a gameplay walkthrough for a perfect score! I think I managed to get lower than the diamond moves required on 2 occasions! I did left my fails in the first Tutorial levels, although they didn't seem like tutorials at all (I honestly thought at first, that is all what the demo offers until I entered accidently to the portal XD)

These kinds of videos take a lot of effort and time from me, and in order to keep doing this I tend to ask developers to subscribe to the channel (You don't have to, I keep doing this anyways) but the more people join in, the more I can keep doing this with passion! Because it gets really hard to keep motivated to make these gameplay reviews without support! 


I really enjoyed playing this game, I rate 10/10. If I had kids I would let them play it and reward them if they end up a level with diamond. Easy to play, yet so challenging, totally agree with reviews below.



Really nice game if you like puzzles


great work, love the character and all the skins.

What I love about this game is that it was created with passion. Old-school experience, with tons of fun and some easter eggs. Enjoyed it - GL with other projects guys!


Dropping 5 stars on this one. Really great experience playing one of many slimes. And that feeling after you unlock 'Smlimmoth' skin after collecting enough diamonds is uncomerable to anything i've done in a video game.  Games are quick yet challenging (think of benching more than  100kg). Learing diffrent game mechanics is like learning to walking all over again, you really don't know what to expect next, and that thrill feeling is something that i'm always looking forward to. When it comes to visual and audio aspects this game stands out and i really mean it. You can feel all that heart and passion that was put into every single pixel and every single beat of music.

(1 edit) (+3)

Pocket Slimes have really changed the way I spend my spare time. Waiting for rice to cook for that juicy Burrito? In a queue for yet another aram? Open up Pocket Slimes and enjoy moving that jelly Slime chad. Are you about to take an exam and want to warm up your brain? Pocket Slimes gonna be perfect for that. The game is fun to play and most importantly challenging, especially if you are a diamond wannabe. I'm loving the vibes that the game brings. The music, visuals and skins are absolutely ideal. When you move that jelly alpha  it feels like something magical is about to happen. And the kids are loving it. This is hands down the game of the year. Dropping 10/10


Such a fun little game. Many challenging levels, great replayability, really makes you think.


Great game!